Die Webanwendung phpLogCon war eine Anwendung z.B. zum betrachten von Syslog-Einträgen welche z.B. durch RSyslog in eine MySQL-Datenbank geschrieben werden.
Die Webanwendung LogAnalyzer ist der Nachfolger von phpLogCon.
Daher ist der Austausch des standardmäßig unter CentOS verwendeten „alten“ Syslog-Daemons mit dem Namen syslogd
bzw. klogd
durch den RSyslog-Daemon mit den Namen rsyslogd
zwingend für den Einsatz von phpLogCon / LogAnalyzer erforderlich, da der „alte“ Syslog-Daemon mit dem Namen syslogd
z.B. nicht die Fähigkeit besitzt, in eine Datenbank wie MySQL Log-Informationen zu schreiben!
Als Voraussetzung für die Installation von phpLogCon / LogAnalyzer sind folgende Komponenten erforderlich:
- RSyslog RSyslog
- Lauffähiger Web-Server z.B. Apache HTTP Server
- PHP in der Version 5 oder höher PHP Net
Bevor mit der Installation von phpLogCon / LogAnalyzer begonnen werden kann, sollte eine „stabile“ Version von phpLogCon / LogAnalyzer heruntergeladen werden.
Die aktuelle letzte Version ist die Version loganalyzer-3.0.0
Nach dem herunterladen einer Version von LogAnalyzer in z.B. das Verzeichnis /tmp
auf den lokalen Rechner, sollte sich folgende Datei
im Verzeichnis /tmp
Das heruntergeladene Archiv mit dem Namen loganalyzer-3.0.0.tar.gz
kann mit folgendem Befehl entpackt werden:
$ tar xvfz loganalyzer-3.0.0.tar.gz
Anschließend sollte sich ein Verzeichnis mit dem Namen loganalyzer-3.0.0
im Verzeichnis /tmp
Daraufhin sollte der relevante Teil des Verzeichnises /tmp/loganalyzer-3.0.0/src
in das DocumentRoot
-Verzeichnis des Apache HTTP Server's mit folgendem Befehl verschoben:
$ mv /tmp/loganalyzer-3.0.0/src /var/www/html/loganalyzer
Abschliessend kann das heruntergeladene Archiv loganalyzer-3.0.0.tar.gz
mit folgendem Befehl gelöscht werden:
$ rm /tmp/loganalyzer-3.0.0.tar.gz
Mit nachfolgendem Befehl kann kontrolliert werden, ob sich das Verzeichnis loganalyzer
wirklich im Verzeichnis /var/www/html
$ ll /var/www/html total 32 drwxr-xr-x 14 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:14 loganalyzer
Es fehlen nun noch die entsprechenden „Dateirechte“ an dem Verzeichnis /var/www/html/loganalyzer
, welche durch zwei shell
-Scripte die sich im Verzeichnis /tmp/loganalyzer-3.0.0/contrib
befinden gesetzt werden sollten. Um diese shell
-Scripte zum Einsatz bringen zu können, sollten diese mit folgendem Befehl in das DocumentRoot
-Verzeichnis des Apache HTTP Server's kopiert werden:
$ cp /tmp/loganalyzer-3.0.0/contrib/*.sh /var/www/html/loganalyzer
Zur Überprüfung, ob die shell
-Scripte sich auch im Verzeichnis /var/www/html/loganalyzer
befinden, kann folgender Befehl genutzt werden (
$ ll /var/www/html/loganalyzer total 240 drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 admin -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 5297 Mar 29 16:10 asktheoracle.php drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 BitstreamVeraFonts -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 17164 Mar 29 16:10 chartgenerator.php drwxr-xr-x 6 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 classes -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 49 Apr 17 11:05 -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 9037 Mar 29 16:10 convert.php drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 cron drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 css -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 14947 Mar 29 16:10 details.php drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:14 doc -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 12580 Mar 29 16:10 export.php drwxr-xr-x 5 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 images drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 include -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 37643 Mar 29 16:10 index.php -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 33310 Mar 29 16:10 install.php drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 js drwxr-xr-x 6 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 lang -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 3100 Mar 29 16:10 login.php -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 6590 Mar 29 16:10 reportgenerator.php -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 9270 Mar 29 16:10 search.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 31 Apr 17 11:05 -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 4449 Mar 29 16:10 statistics.php drwxr-xr-x 3 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 templates drwxr-xr-x 4 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 themes -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 3194 Mar 29 16:10 userchange.php
Ab hier werden root
-Rechte zur Ausführung der nachfolgenden Befehle benötigt. Um root
zu werden geben Sie bitte folgenden Befehl ein:
$ su - Password:
Um die shell
-Scripte /var/www/html/loganalyzer/
und /var/www/html/loganalyzer/
auch ausführen zu können, müssen die entsprechenden Rechte zur Ausführung mit folgendem Befehl noch gesetzt werden:
# chmod u+x /var/www/html/loganalyzer/*.sh
Eine Überprüfung, ob die Rechte richtig gesetzt wurden, kann mit folgendem Befehl erfolgen:
# ll /var/www/html/loganalyzer total 240 drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 admin -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 5297 Mar 29 16:10 asktheoracle.php drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 BitstreamVeraFonts -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 17164 Mar 29 16:10 chartgenerator.php drwxr-xr-x 6 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 classes -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 49 Apr 17 11:05 -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 9037 Mar 29 16:10 convert.php drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 cron drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 css -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 14947 Mar 29 16:10 details.php drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:14 doc -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 12580 Mar 29 16:10 export.php drwxr-xr-x 5 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 images drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 include -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 37643 Mar 29 16:10 index.php -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 33310 Mar 29 16:10 install.php drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 js drwxr-xr-x 6 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 lang -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 3100 Mar 29 16:10 login.php -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 6590 Mar 29 16:10 reportgenerator.php -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 9270 Mar 29 16:10 search.php -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 31 Apr 17 11:05 -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 4449 Mar 29 16:10 statistics.php drwxr-xr-x 3 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 templates drwxr-xr-x 4 1000 1000 4096 Mar 29 16:10 themes -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 3194 Mar 29 16:10 userchange.php
Ein Wechsel in das Verzeichnis /var/www/html/loganalyzer
wird mit folgendem Befehl realisiert:
# cd /var/www/html/loganalyzer
Jetzt können beide shell
-Scripte wie folgt ausgeführt werden:
./ ./
Am Ende der Installation, müssen noch die entsprechenden „Besitzrechte“ mit folgendem Befehl gesetzt werden:
# chown -R root:apache /var/www/html/loganalyzer
Danach können beide shell
-Scripte wieder mit folgendem Befehl gelöschte werden:
# rm /var/www/html/loganalyzer/*.sh rm: remove regular file `/var/www/html/loganalyzer/'? y rm: remove regular file `/var/www/html/loganalyzer/'? y
Nun befindet sich im Verzeichnis /tmp/loganalyzer-3.0.0
eine Datei mit dem Namen INSTALL
, worin alle notwendigen Schritte (in Englisch) erklärt sind, um LogAnalyzer zu installieren und zu konfigurieren.
Dei Web-Anwendung LogAnalyzer beinhaltet einen Installationsprozess, welcher unter folgender URL aufrufbar sein sollte: http://localhost/loganalyzer/install.php.
Als Ergebnis dieses Installationsprozesses, wird folgende Datei erstellt:
welche alle notwendigen Konfigurationen enthält.
Konfiguration einer Quelle
WICHTIG - Dazu ist jedoch temporär bzw. kurzfristig folgende Anpassung notwendig:
# chmod 664 /var/www/html/loganalyzer/config.php
Der Inhalt der Konfigurationsdatei für LogAnalyzer könnte wie folgt aussehen:
<?php /* ********************************************************************* * LogAnalyzer - * ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Main Configuration File * * -> Configuration need variables for the Database connection * * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Adiscon GmbH. * * This file is part of LogAnalyzer. * * LogAnalyzer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * LogAnalyzer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with LogAnalyzer. If not, see <>. * * A copy of the GPL can be found in the file "COPYING" in this * distribution. ********************************************************************* */ // --- Avoid directly accessing this file! if ( !defined('IN_PHPLOGCON') ) { die('Hacking attempt'); exit; } // --- // --- UserDB options /* If UserDB is enabled, all options will and have to be configured in the database. * All Options below the UserDB options here will not be used, unless a setting * is missing in the database. */ $CFG['UserDBEnabled'] = true; $CFG['UserDBServer'] = 'localhost'; $CFG['UserDBPort'] = 3306; $CFG['UserDBName'] = 'loganalyzer'; $CFG['UserDBPref'] = 'logcon_'; $CFG['UserDBUser'] = 'user'; $CFG['UserDBPass'] = 'geheim'; $CFG['UserDBLoginRequired'] = true; // --- // --- Misc Options $CFG['MiscShowDebugMsg'] = 0; // if enabled, you will get additional output on certain places $CFG['MiscDebugToSyslog'] = 0; // if enabled, debug messages from LogAnalyzer will be send to syslog on linux, and into the EventLog on Windows $CFG['MiscShowDebugGridCounter'] = 0; // Only for debugging purposes, will add a counter column into the grid! $CFG["MiscShowPageRenderStats"] = 1; // If enabled, you will see Pagerender Settings $CFG['MiscEnableGzipCompression'] = 1; // If enabled, LogAnalyzer will use gzip compression for output, we recommend // to have this option enabled, it will highly reduce bandwith usage. # Tachtler # default: $CFG['MiscMaxExecutionTime'] = 30; // LogAnalyzer will try to overwrite the default script timeout with this value during runtime! $CFG['MiscMaxExecutionTime'] = 60; // LogAnalyzer will try to overwrite the default script timeout with this value during runtime! // This can of course only work if LogAnalyzer is allowed to changed the script timeout. # Tachtler # default: $CFG['DebugUserLogin'] = 0; // if enabled, you will see additional informations on failed logins $CFG['DebugUserLogin'] = 1; // if enabled, you will see additional informations on failed logins // --- // --- Default Frontend Options # Tachtler # default: $CFG['PrependTitle'] = ""; // If set, this text will be prepended withint the title tag $CFG['PrependTitle'] = ""; // If set, this text will be prepended withint the title tag $CFG['ViewUseTodayYesterday'] = 1; // If enabled, the date from today and yesterday is displayed as "today" and "yesterday" $CFG['ViewMessageCharacterLimit'] = 80; // Default character limit for the message gets trunscated! 0 means NO trunscation. $CFG['ViewStringCharacterLimit'] = 30; // Default character limit for all other string type fields before they get trunscated! 0 means NO trunscation. $CFG['ViewEntriesPerPage'] = 50; // Default number of syslog entries shown per page $CFG['ViewEnableDetailPopups'] = 1; // If enabled, you will see additional Details for each syslog message on mouse over. $CFG['ViewDefaultTheme'] = "default"; // This sets the default theme the user is going to see when he opens LogAnalyzer the first time. // Currently only "default" and "dark" are available. # Tachtler # default: $CFG['ViewDefaultLanguage'] = "en"; // Sets the default display language $CFG['ViewDefaultLanguage'] = "de"; // Sets the default display language $CFG['ViewEnableAutoReloadSeconds'] = 0; // If "ViewEnableAutoReloadSeconds" is set to anything higher the 0 (which means disabled), this means auto reload is enabled by default. # Tachtler # default: $CFG['SearchCustomButtonCaption'] = "I'd like to feel sad"; // Default caption for the custom fast search button $CFG['SearchCustomButtonCaption'] = "Schnellsuche Problem-Meldungen"; // Default caption for the custom fast search button # Tachtler # default: $CFG['SearchCustomButtonSearch'] = "error"; // Default search string for the custom search button $CFG['SearchCustomButtonSearch'] = "severity:0,1,2,3,4"; // Default search string for the custom search button # Tachtler # default: $CFG['EnableIPAddressResolve'] = 1; // If enabled, IP Addresses inline messages are automatically resolved and the result is added in brackets {} behind the IP Address $CFG['EnableIPAddressResolve'] = 0; // If enabled, IP Addresses inline messages are automatically resolved and the result is added in brackets {} behind the IP Address $CFG['SuppressDuplicatedMessages'] = 0; // If enabled, duplicated messages will be suppressed in the main display. $CFG['TreatNotFoundFiltersAsTrue'] = 0; // If you filter / search for messages, and the fields you are filtering for is not found, the filter result is treaten as TRUE! $CFG['PopupMenuTimeout'] = 3000; // This variable defines the default timeout value for popup menus in milliseconds. (those menus which popup when you click on the value of a field. $CFG['PhplogconLogoUrl'] = ""; // Put an Url to a custom toplogo you want to use. # Tachtler # default: $CFG['InlineOnlineSearchIcons'] = 1; // Show online search icons $CFG['InlineOnlineSearchIcons'] = 0; // Show online search icons // --- // --- Custom HTML Code $CFG['InjectHtmlHeader'] = ""; // Use this variable to inject custom html into the html <head> area! $CFG['InjectBodyHeader'] = ""; // Use this variable to inject custom html into the begin of the <body> area! $CFG['InjectBodyFooter'] = ""; // Use this variable to inject custom html into the end of the <body> area! // --- // --- Define which fields you want to see //$CFG['ShowMessage'] = true; // If enabled, the Message column will be appended to the columns list. //Eventlog based fields: $CFG['Columns'] = array ( SYSLOG_DATE, SYSLOG_HOST, SYSLOG_EVENT_LOGTYPE, SYSLOG_EVENT_SOURCE, /*SYSLOG_EVENT_CATEGORY, */SYSLOG_EVENT_ID, SYSLOG_MESSAGE ); //$CFG['Columns'] = array ( SYSLOG_DATE, SYSLOG_FACILITY, SYSLOG_SEVERITY, SYSLOG_HOST, SYSLOG_SYSLOGTAG, SYSLOG_MESSAGETYPE, SYSLOG_MESSAGE ); $CFG['DefaultViewsID'] = ""; // --- // --- Predefined Searches! $CFG['Search'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "Syslog Warnings and Errors", "SearchQuery" => "filter=severity%3A0%2C1%2C2%2C3%2C4&search=Search" ); $CFG['Search'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "Syslog Errors", "SearchQuery" => "filter=severity%3A0%2C1%2C2%2C3&search=Search" ); $CFG['Search'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "All messages from the last hour", "SearchQuery" => "filter=datelastx%3A1&search=Search" ); $CFG['Search'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "All messages from last 12 hours", "SearchQuery" => "filter=datelastx%3A2&search=Search" ); $CFG['Search'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "All messages from last 24 hours", "SearchQuery" => "filter=datelastx%3A3&search=Search" ); $CFG['Search'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "All messages from last 7 days", "SearchQuery" => "filter=datelastx%3A4&search=Search" ); $CFG['Search'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "All messages from last 31 days", "SearchQuery" => "filter=datelastx%3A5&search=Search" ); // $CFG['Search'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "", "SearchQuery" => "" ); // --- // --- Predefined Charts! $CFG['Charts'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "Top Hosts", "chart_type" => CHART_BARS_HORIZONTAL, "chart_width" => 400, "chart_field" => SYSLOG_HOST, "maxrecords" => 10, "showpercent" => 0, "chart_enabled" => 1 ); $CFG['Charts'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "SyslogTags", "chart_type" => CHART_CAKE, "chart_width" => 400, "chart_field" => SYSLOG_SYSLOGTAG, "maxrecords" => 10, "showpercent" => 0, "chart_enabled" => 1 ); $CFG['Charts'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "Severity Occurences", "chart_type" => CHART_BARS_VERTICAL, "chart_width" => 400, "chart_field" => SYSLOG_SEVERITY, "maxrecords" => 10, "showpercent" => 1, "chart_enabled" => 1 ); $CFG['Charts'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "Usage by Day", "chart_type" => CHART_CAKE, "chart_width" => 400, "chart_field" => SYSLOG_DATE, "maxrecords" => 10, "showpercent" => 1, "chart_enabled" => 1 ); // --- // --- Source Options /* Example for DiskType Source: $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['ID'] = "Source1"; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['Name'] = "Syslog Disk File"; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['Description'] = "More details you want to see about this source"; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['SourceType'] = SOURCE_DISK; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['LogLineType'] = "syslog"; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['MsgParserList'] = ""; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['MsgNormalize'] = 0; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['DiskFile'] = "/var/log/syslog"; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['ViewID'] = "SYSLOG"; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['ID'] = "Source5"; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['Name'] = "WinSyslog DB"; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['Description'] = ""; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['SourceType'] = SOURCE_DB; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['MsgParserList'] = ""; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBTableType'] = "winsyslog"; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBType'] = DB_MYSQL; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBServer'] = "localhost"; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBName'] = "loganalyzer"; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBUser'] = "root"; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBPassword'] = ""; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBTableName'] = "systemevents"; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['ViewID'] = "SYSLOG"; */ $CFG['DefaultSourceID'] = 'Source1'; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['ID'] = 'Source1'; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['Name'] = ''; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['ViewID'] = 'SYSLOG'; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['SourceType'] = SOURCE_DB; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['DBTableType'] = 'monitorware'; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['DBType'] = DB_MYSQL; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['DBServer'] = 'localhost'; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['DBName'] = 'loganalyzer'; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['DBUser'] = 'user'; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['DBPassword'] = 'geheim'; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['DBTableName'] = 'SystemEvents'; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['DBEnableRowCounting'] = false; // --- ?>
WICHTIG - Abschließend ist die temporäre bzw. kurzfristige Anpassung wieder rückgängig zu machen:
# chmod 644 /var/www/html/loganalyzer/config.php
Konfiguration mehrere Quellen
WICHTIG - Dazu ist jedoch temporär bzw. kurzfristig folgende Anpassung notwendig:
# chmod 664 /var/www/html/loganalyzer/config.php
Der Inhalt der Konfigurationsdatei für LogAnalyzer könnte wie folgt aussehen:
<?php /* ********************************************************************* * LogAnalyzer - * ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Main Configuration File * * -> Configuration need variables for the Database connection * * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Adiscon GmbH. * * This file is part of LogAnalyzer. * * LogAnalyzer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * LogAnalyzer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with LogAnalyzer. If not, see <>. * * A copy of the GPL can be found in the file "COPYING" in this * distribution. ********************************************************************* */ // --- Avoid directly accessing this file! if ( !defined('IN_PHPLOGCON') ) { die('Hacking attempt'); exit; } // --- // --- UserDB options /* If UserDB is enabled, all options will and have to be configured in the database. * All Options below the UserDB options here will not be used, unless a setting * is missing in the database. */ $CFG['UserDBEnabled'] = true; $CFG['UserDBServer'] = 'localhost'; $CFG['UserDBPort'] = 3306; $CFG['UserDBName'] = 'loganalyzer'; $CFG['UserDBPref'] = 'logcon_'; $CFG['UserDBUser'] = 'user'; $CFG['UserDBPass'] = 'geheim'; $CFG['UserDBLoginRequired'] = true; // --- // --- Misc Options $CFG['MiscShowDebugMsg'] = 0; // if enabled, you will get additional output on certain places $CFG['MiscDebugToSyslog'] = 0; // if enabled, debug messages from LogAnalyzer will be send to syslog on linux, and into the EventLog on Windows $CFG['MiscShowDebugGridCounter'] = 0; // Only for debugging purposes, will add a counter column into the grid! $CFG["MiscShowPageRenderStats"] = 1; // If enabled, you will see Pagerender Settings $CFG['MiscEnableGzipCompression'] = 1; // If enabled, LogAnalyzer will use gzip compression for output, we recommend // to have this option enabled, it will highly reduce bandwith usage. // Tachtler // default: $CFG['MiscMaxExecutionTime'] = 30; // LogAnalyzer will try to overwrite the default script timeout with this value during runtime! $CFG['MiscMaxExecutionTime'] = 60; // LogAnalyzer will try to overwrite the default script timeout with this value during runtime! // This can of course only work if LogAnalyzer is allowed to changed the script timeout. $CFG['DebugUserLogin'] = 0; // if enabled, you will see additional informations on failed logins // --- // --- Default Frontend Options // Tachtler // default: $CFG['PrependTitle'] = ""; // If set, this text will be prepended withint the title tag $CFG['PrependTitle'] = ""; // If set, this text will be prepended withint the title tag $CFG['ViewUseTodayYesterday'] = 1; // If enabled, the date from today and yesterday is displayed as "today" and "yesterday" $CFG['ViewMessageCharacterLimit'] = 80; // Default character limit for the message gets trunscated! 0 means NO trunscation. $CFG['ViewStringCharacterLimit'] = 30; // Default character limit for all other string type fields before they get trunscated! 0 means NO trunscation. $CFG['ViewEntriesPerPage'] = 50; // Default number of syslog entries shown per page // Tachtler // $CFG['ViewEnableDetailPopups'] = 0; // If enabled, you will see additional Details for each syslog message on mouse over. $CFG['ViewEnableDetailPopups'] = 1; // If enabled, you will see additional Details for each syslog message on mouse over. $CFG['ViewDefaultTheme'] = "default"; // This sets the default theme the user is going to see when he opens LogAnalyzer the first time. // Currently only "default" and "dark" are available. // Tachtler // default: $CFG['ViewDefaultLanguage'] = "en"; // Sets the default display language $CFG['ViewDefaultLanguage'] = "de"; // Sets the default display language $CFG['ViewEnableAutoReloadSeconds'] = 0; // If "ViewEnableAutoReloadSeconds" is set to anything higher the 0 (which means disabled), this means auto reload is enabled by default. // Tachtler // default: $CFG['SearchCustomButtonCaption'] = "I'd like to feel sad"; // Default caption for the custom fast search button $CFG['SearchCustomButtonCaption'] = "Schnellsuche Problem-Meldungen"; // Default caption for the custom fast search button // Tachtler // default: $CFG['SearchCustomButtonSearch'] = "error"; // Default search string for the custom search button $CFG['SearchCustomButtonSearch'] = "severity:0,1,2,3,4"; // Default search string for the custom search button $CFG['EnableIPAddressResolve'] = 0; // If enabled, IP Addresses inline messages are automatically resolved and the result is added in brackets {} behind the IP Address $CFG['SuppressDuplicatedMessages'] = 0; // If enabled, duplicated messages will be suppressed in the main display. $CFG['TreatNotFoundFiltersAsTrue'] = 0; // If you filter / search for messages, and the fields you are filtering for is not found, the filter result is treaten as TRUE! $CFG['PopupMenuTimeout'] = 3000; // This variable defines the default timeout value for popup menus in milliseconds. (those menus which popup when you click on the value of a field. $CFG['PhplogconLogoUrl'] = ""; // Put an Url to a custom toplogo you want to use. // Tachtler // default: $CFG['InlineOnlineSearchIcons'] = 1; // Show online search icons $CFG['InlineOnlineSearchIcons'] = 0; // Show online search icons $CFG['UseProxyServerForRemoteQueries'] = "";// If empty no proxy server will be used. If set to a proxy server url like, LogAnalyzer will use this server for url queries like the updatecheck. // --- // --- Custom HTML Code $CFG['InjectHtmlHeader'] = ""; // Use this variable to inject custom html into the html <head> area! $CFG['InjectBodyHeader'] = ""; // Use this variable to inject custom html into the begin of the <body> area! $CFG['InjectBodyFooter'] = ""; // Use this variable to inject custom html into the end of the <body> area! // --- // --- Define which fields you want to see //$CFG['ShowMessage'] = true; // If enabled, the Message column will be appended to the columns list. //Eventlog based fields: $CFG['Columns'] = array ( SYSLOG_DATE, SYSLOG_HOST, SYSLOG_EVENT_LOGTYPE, SYSLOG_EVENT_SOURCE, /*SYSLOG_EVENT_CATEGORY, */SYSLOG_EVENT_ID, SYSLOG_MESSAGE ); //$CFG['Columns'] = array ( SYSLOG_DATE, SYSLOG_FACILITY, SYSLOG_SEVERITY, SYSLOG_HOST, SYSLOG_SYSLOGTAG, SYSLOG_MESSAGETYPE, SYSLOG_MESSAGE ); $CFG['DefaultViewsID'] = ""; // --- // --- Predefined Searches! $CFG['Search'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "Syslog Warnings and Errors", "SearchQuery" => "filter=severity%3A0%2C1%2C2%2C3%2C4&search=Search" ); $CFG['Search'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "Syslog Errors", "SearchQuery" => "filter=severity%3A0%2C1%2C2%2C3&search=Search" ); $CFG['Search'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "All messages from the last hour", "SearchQuery" => "filter=datelastx%3A1&search=Search" ); $CFG['Search'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "All messages from last 12 hours", "SearchQuery" => "filter=datelastx%3A2&search=Search" ); $CFG['Search'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "All messages from last 24 hours", "SearchQuery" => "filter=datelastx%3A3&search=Search" ); $CFG['Search'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "All messages from last 7 days", "SearchQuery" => "filter=datelastx%3A4&search=Search" ); $CFG['Search'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "All messages from last 31 days", "SearchQuery" => "filter=datelastx%3A5&search=Search" ); // $CFG['Search'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "", "SearchQuery" => "" ); // --- // --- Predefined Charts! $CFG['Charts'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "Top Hosts", "chart_type" => CHART_BARS_HORIZONTAL, "chart_width" => 400, "chart_field" => SYSLOG_HOST, "maxrecords" => 10, "showpercent" => 0, "chart_enabled" => 1 ); $CFG['Charts'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "SyslogTags", "chart_type" => CHART_CAKE, "chart_width" => 400, "chart_field" => SYSLOG_SYSLOGTAG, "maxrecords" => 10, "showpercent" => 0, "chart_enabled" => 1 ); $CFG['Charts'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "Severity Occurences", "chart_type" => CHART_BARS_VERTICAL, "chart_width" => 400, "chart_field" => SYSLOG_SEVERITY, "maxrecords" => 10, "showpercent" => 1, "chart_enabled" => 1 ); $CFG['Charts'][] = array ( "DisplayName" => "Usage by Day", "chart_type" => CHART_CAKE, "chart_width" => 400, "chart_field" => SYSLOG_DATE, "maxrecords" => 10, "showpercent" => 1, "chart_enabled" => 1 ); // --- // --- Source Options /* Example for DiskType Source: $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['ID'] = "Source1"; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['Name'] = "Syslog Disk File"; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['Description'] = "More details you want to see about this source"; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['SourceType'] = SOURCE_DISK; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['LogLineType'] = "syslog"; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['MsgParserList'] = ""; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['MsgNormalize'] = 0; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['DiskFile'] = "/var/log/syslog"; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['ViewID'] = "SYSLOG"; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['ID'] = "Source5"; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['Name'] = "WinSyslog DB"; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['Description'] = ""; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['SourceType'] = SOURCE_DB; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['MsgParserList'] = ""; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBTableType'] = "winsyslog"; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBType'] = DB_MYSQL; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBServer'] = "localhost"; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBName'] = "loganalyzer"; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBUser'] = "root"; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBPassword'] = ""; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBTableName'] = "systemevents"; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['ViewID'] = "SYSLOG"; */ $CFG['DefaultSourceID'] = 'Source1'; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['ID'] = 'Source1'; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['Name'] = ''; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['ViewID'] = 'SYSLOG'; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['SourceType'] = SOURCE_DB; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['DBTableType'] = 'monitorware'; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['DBType'] = DB_MYSQL; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['DBServer'] = 'localhost'; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['DBName'] = 'loganalyzer'; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['DBUser'] = 'user'; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['DBPassword'] = 'geheim'; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['DBTableName'] = 'SystemEvents'; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['DBEnableRowCounting'] = false; $CFG['Sources']['Source1']['defaultfilter'] = 'source:=nss'; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['ID'] = 'Source2'; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['Name'] = ''; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['ViewID'] = 'SYSLOG'; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['SourceType'] = SOURCE_DB; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBTableType'] = 'monitorware'; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBType'] = DB_MYSQL; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBServer'] = 'localhost'; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBName'] = 'loganalyzer'; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBUser'] = 'user'; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBPassword'] = 'geheim'; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBTableName'] = 'SystemEvents'; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['DBEnableRowCounting'] = false; $CFG['Sources']['Source2']['defaultfilter'] = 'source:=receiver'; $CFG['Sources']['Source3']['ID'] = 'Source3'; $CFG['Sources']['Source3']['Name'] = ''; $CFG['Sources']['Source3']['ViewID'] = 'SYSLOG'; $CFG['Sources']['Source3']['SourceType'] = SOURCE_DB; $CFG['Sources']['Source3']['DBTableType'] = 'monitorware'; $CFG['Sources']['Source3']['DBType'] = DB_MYSQL; $CFG['Sources']['Source3']['DBServer'] = 'localhost'; $CFG['Sources']['Source3']['DBName'] = 'loganalyzer'; $CFG['Sources']['Source3']['DBUser'] = 'user'; $CFG['Sources']['Source3']['DBPassword'] = 'geheim'; $CFG['Sources']['Source3']['DBTableName'] = 'SystemEvents'; $CFG['Sources']['Source3']['DBEnableRowCounting'] = false; $CFG['Sources']['Source3']['defaultfilter'] = 'source:=router'; // --- ?>
WICHTIG - Abschließend ist die temporäre bzw. kurzfristige Anpassung wieder rückgängig zu machen:
# chmod 644 /var/www/html/loganalyzer/config.php